Knoxville Ranch to Blue Ridge (semi cross-country)

The Hike:

There are no officially developed trails on the Knoxville public lands, yet, but there are old firebreaks and ranch roads you can use to explore this vast area.  There are a number of options for exploring the area.  It is infinitely hard for you to get lost on the ranch, since if you get lost you just head downhill and you will end up at Eticeura Creek and Knoxville road.  The entire ranch slopes up from the road and creek to Blue Ridge.

One hike I have taken is shown on the map.  You hike up a steep firebreak up to Blue Ridge.  Photos are shown below, and the views are spectacular.

One other hike that is less taxing on the legs is a hike up Long Canyon on the old jeep trail.  There are also old ranch roads on the rest of the property, mostly on the northern end.  You can follow any of these for a nice hike.

The real attraction of the area is Blue Ridge.  On this side of Blue Ridge, the cliffs are vertical, and home to prairie and perigin falcons.  We watched one falcon fly into and out of its nest in the cliffs.  Also, once you get to the top of the ridge, you can see all of Casey Flats above the Capay Valley, Berryessa Peak, Sutter Buttes, and Mt. Lassen.

The green trails are trails I have seen but not taken yet.  They are a bit easier than the trail up to the ridge. Note that the 10,000 acres of the Knoxville ranch public lands are due south of the Blue Ridge Trail South parking area.  The ridge is administered by BLM, and the lower part of the ranch by Cal. DFG.  Areas within the blue boundary are public.  Explore!

Distance: To hike up to the ridge as shown on the south part of the map, it is 1.2 miles, with an elevation gain of 1600 feet. Steep!

How to get there: 

From Yolo County, take Highway 128 toward Lake Berryessa.  Turn right at the 128/121 intersection, staying on 128.  At the Turtle Rock bar, turn right again onto Berryessa/Knoxville road.  Continue on Berryessa/Knoxville, past the lake, over both Pope Creek and Putah Creek bridges at the North end of the lake, and up into the mountains beyond.  The road will narrow, roughen, and you will wind up until you reach the public lands.  There are presently no signs or developed parking areas.

  panorama of casey flats   on a ledge on Blue Ridge
  steep hike up the ridge   on the ridge
  hiking up to Blue Ridge   steep cliffs of Blue Ridge
  View of the public lands   panorama to the south
Map (.pdf file)
blue ridge cross-country map
GPS track (.gpx format)
A GPS track is not yet available. This hike is cross-country.